The Panic of Life

Sweet glabrous stem
of the wind overhanging,
below in the fires,
in the earthenware born–
bare in the small, in the stoic and the slim,
cut open what’s thin
and what falls into form.
Full light of the moon
and the tough of a blight,
as the shy ever was,
ever was, ever was–
and the piceous dawn,
that is sore and sound warned,
of the you, and the you,
and the you they adorn.
And we’re through
And we’re through,
of the black final push,
of the plush life you scorned
you are calico born,
through flush and the thrush
in the sparkling stream
in the tin-tin-tin of
a ten-footed dream,
from the air and what was,
at once we remember,
without gall, without wing,
without rambling pitch
in the dark dark dark of the
murk of the bark,
we sink and we
swim and we’re bleak and we’re thin
till we’re gone
till we’re gone
prove us wrong,
prove us wrong.

[Post for DversePoets Open Link Night Week 48 – It’s nice to be back! It feels like forever since I’ve posted, how are you all? Let me know what you think of my contribution today! x]

71 thoughts on “The Panic of Life

  1. This poem is so earthy and birthy, I’d swear you were writing it mirthy! 🙂
    After reading the poem, the title suggests the panic of birth/life to me, but ends nicely with the mother expressing her hope to her newborn; am I wrong?

  2. what a rather haunting echo to end on eve…i like the way you play throughout with the repetition and allit, it makes for a fine rhythm…its the end though that will stick with me…

    • Thanks Brian! I wrote this quite fast, so I’m sure there are things I can improve the more I look back at it. Nice to be able to join in with Dverse again though. 🙂

  3. Amazing work, Eve!

    “we sink and we
    swim and we’re bleak and we’re thin” –> Sounds like a catchy song chorus I can sing over and over again.

  4. This is intensely powerful, simple building to a growing sense of deep awareness of something that takes us deeper into a place that is quite mysterious, foreboding, and dark. I enjoyed this immensely. Wonderful and glorious.

  5. Welcome back to the poetic gin mill, Stacey! And what a cool stem of verse with which to stir this reader’s drink. In addition to the theme and brilliant images, I was enchanted by the artful rhyme and cadence, the sheer readability of this piece. Wonderful! 🙂 xo
    ~ j

  6. How I love those small refrains, those repetitions that start out so subtly in the poem, and then expand, from slant rhyme into full lines repeated. It’s a beautiful technique, and that’s just one of the many things to adore in this poem. Yes, I used the word adore.

  7. brilliantly musical and magical. filled with all kinds of otherwise invisible hope and love. I’ve missed reading you. Happy to see your lovely, LOVELY piece today. ~jane

    • Hi Jane, great to see you again! I’ve got some catching up to do with everyone, but I’ll be making my ways around again soon. 🙂

      So glad you like it! x

  8. Hey Eve, great to see you back…this is lovely, haunting, and rhythmic…I love it. These lines here:

    of the plush life you scorned
    you are calico born

    Wonderful! I love all that they conjure up for me in terms of meaning. Calico born..!..what a way to put it.

  9. This is strong poetry! The cadence and the repetition remind me of something/someone, but I can’t quite get it! I’ll be trying to remember…but yours is fresh and delightfully challenging. I always need to read more than once, as once I have the cadence down I can get so much more from the phrasing. So glad you’re back! Really missed you! Debra

    • Hi Debra, How have you been? 🙂 I’ve missed you, too! Looking forward to reading yours and everyone’s posts from now on – I should be able to get back into a more regular posting schedule now – though I’m currently in the process of moving house! Boxes and whatnot around me as I type!

      Thank you as always for reading what I write! I really appreciate it~ xx

  10. I love it! I love the cadence in it. It is going to be stuck in me all day and I was about to start writing a song… which could turn into awkward thievery followed by the discarding of said song… alas, I should know better than to read first and write second… I really should…

    • On the contrary, I often find that it’s the reading of something beforehand that helps me write!

      I’m happy that you like it, I’m still getting used to writing poetry again. 🙂


      • I find that it is important to be in the regular habit of reading to stay inspired but that I am too empathetic sometimes and if I read something and then immediately write I want to either copy it or write a response to it.

  11. Extraordinary work, Eve. Song-like.. your use of repetition is fearless and telling. I feel the 3-D qualities of each word.. could walk around in this all day. Love it.

  12. Hooray! You’re back! How did the exams go?

    And oh boy, are you on form [rhetorical, unworthy of a question mark 🙂 ]

    Somehow, in the intervening howeverlong, I’d lost you from my blog … you are now reinstalled and I’m happy to see you back 🙂

    Great poem.

    • Hi Polly! Hehe, thanks for finding me again! 😛

      Exams went fine as far as I can tell, just waiting for all of my results to come through now, plus I’ve got graduation to attend in mid-July.

      Sorry that I’ve not been able to visit you, and everyone, since I started reblogging, I had to move house the other week, so things are still up in the air.
      I’ll be rectifying that though!

      Lovely to hear from you, I hope you’ve been well! x

  13. Amazing Eve! I’ve gone through your blog and found some really interesting and equally appreciating work! I’m an amateur writer and I hope I live up to this level someday! 😉 I’ll be following your blog for more work from you, hoping the same from you!


    • Hello Rohan, lovely to meet you!

      Thank you very much for visiting and following, it’s very kind of you. 🙂

      You can count on me visiting, keep an eye out for me!

      Take care and I’ll see you soon,
      Eve x

  14. A wonderful poem, Eve. I took great pleasure in getting lost in this one; it kind of sucked me in to a rhythmic tumble down a glorious sink hole at the base of a waterfall of words. Great job!

  15. This poem begs to be read aloud…the alliteration and tumble of words, full of intelligence and mystery and clarity all at once. As has been said, the repetition like:
    ‘of the you, and the you,
    and the you they adorn.
    And we’re through
    And we’re through…’
    really gives it cadence and heart also.
    You are a great poet, Eve, with depth and simplicity making it both enticingly obscure and accessible.

    • Hi Diane, Thank you for reading!

      I’m happy you feel the urge to read this one out-loud. I tried to work it so that your mind reads it quickly – I hope that worked! 🙂

      • Right in the middle of the two trees. There is a horizontal branch between them that comes out from the tree on the left. This horizontal branch has a smaller offshoot that comes down and curves to the left like a “J”. The face is within that J. The plump woman is smiling and winking and has a head of short curly hair! Anyone you know? 😉

What do you think?